Pakistan’s Ranking in International Reports


The rank of Pakistan in Global Firepower Index 2022 is
(a) 7th
(b) 8th
(c) 9th
(d) 10th
Answer: c

Pakistan Army is the_ most powerful Army in the world out of 140 countries
(a) 7th
(b) 8th
(c) 9th
(d) 10th
Answer: c
Note: Whereas, US ranked 1st, Russia 2nd , China 3rd and India 4th in the list

The rank of Pakistan among countries having gas reserves is
(a) 27th
(b) 28th
(c) 29th
(d) 30th
Answer: c

The rank of Karachi in Global Livable Cities Index 2022 is
(a) 166 out of 173
(b) 167 out of 173
(c) 168 out of 173
(d) 169 out of 173
Answer: c

The Rank of Pakistan in World Press Freedom Index 2022 is
(a) 155
(b) 156
(c) 157
(d) 158
Answer: c

According to the PTA data, the best network in Pakistan is
(a) Mobilink
(b) Ufone
(c) Zong
(d) Telenor
Answer: c
Note: According to the PTA data, the best network in Pakistan is Zong followed by Telenor.

The rank of Pakistan in World Press Freedom in 2021 was
(a) 142
(b) 143
(c) 144
(d) 145
Answer: d

The rank of Pakistan in World Happiness Index released on 18 March 2022 by United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network
(a) 120 out of 146
(b) 121 out of 146
(c) 122 out of 146
(d) 123 out of 146
Answer: b

Country which topped in World Happiness Index 2022
(a) Switzerland
(b) Newzealand
(c) Iceland
(d) Finland
Answer: d

Country which ranked last in world Happiness Index 2022
(a) Bhuttan
(b) Nepal
(c) Malidives
(d) Afghanistan
Answer: d

The rank of Pakistan in V-Dem’s Democracy Report 2022 is
(a) 116
(b) 117
(c) 118
(d) 119
Answer: b

Country which topped in V-Dem’s Democracy Report 2022 is
(a) Finland
(b) Newzealand
(c) Sweden
(d) Iceland
Answer: c

Country which ranked last in V-Dem’s Democracy Report 2022 is
(a) Afghanistan
(b) Bangladesh
(c) Srilanka
(d) Nepal
Answer: a

The rank of Pakistan in Climate Resilience Index according to report released on May 2022
(a) 103
(b) 104
(c) 105
(d) 106
Answer: b

New York-based credit rating agency which downgraded Pakistan`s outlook to negative from stable in June 2022
(a) Moody’s
(b) AA Rating
(c) AAA Rating
(d) None of These
Answer: a

The rank of Pakistan in Global Democracy Index 2021 published by Economic Intelligence Unit in February 2022
(a) 104 out of 167 countries
(b) 105 out of 167 countries
(c) 106 out of 167 countries
(d) 107 out of 167 countries
Answer: a

The rank of Pakistan in Transparency International’s latest Corruption Perceptions Index 2021
(a) 140 out of 180
(b) 141 out of 180
(c) 142 out of 180
(d) 143 out of 180
Answer: a
Note: Pakistan was scored 28 out of 100 in CPI 2021

The rank of Pakistan in 2021 edition of International Travel and Tourism Development Index
(a) 83 out of 117
(b) 84 out of 117
(c) 85 out of 117
(d) 86 out of 117
Answer: a

The rank of Pakistan on the list of TB high-burden nations 2021 is
(a) fourth
(b) Fifth
(c) Sixth
(d) Seventh
Answer: b

The rank of Pakistan in Military Expending for the year 2021 was
(a) 21
(b) 22
(c) 23
(d) 24
Answer: c
Note: Pakistan spent around 11.3 billion dollars for military purposes in year 2021 which was published by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.



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