Bills and Ordinance Passed by National Assembly


Speaker of National Assembly is
(a) Raja Pervez Ashraf
(b) Qasim Suri
(c) Sadiq Sanjrani
(d) Zahid Akram Durani
Answer: a

Deputy Speaker of National Assembly is
(a) Raja Pervez Ashraf
(b) Qasim Suri
(c) Sadiq Sanjrani
(d) Zahid Akram Durani
Answer: d

The National Assembly had bulldozed legislation for use of EVMs through passage of a bill in
(a) November 17, 2021
(b) November 18, 2021
(c) November 19, 2021
(d) November 20, 2021
Answer: a

When did National Assembly pass bill to abolish use of EVMs in election
(a) May 26th 2022
(b) May 27th 2022
(c) May 28th 2022
(d) May 29th 2022
Answer: a

When did National Assembly pass bill to cut NAB powers
(a) May 24th 2022
(b) May 25th 2022
(c) May 26th 2022
(d) May 27th 2022
Answer: c



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