Factors Responsible for the Poor Performance of Education Sector


What factors has caused our education sector to perform low in this new era of technology is a long story to tell but this article help you out to shed light among most important factors that needs to think and by doing so, education system could improve to a large extent.

Why Education Sector has Failed to Flourish in developing countries

Education, apart from providing specialized skills, is a way of changing ideas, beliefs and pattern of living but this sector has never been given a fair chance to flourish on account of low budgetary allocation. If one look at the fact, educational fund in Pakistan hovers around 2% of the national budget which is one of the lowest in the region whereas corruption is adding fuel to the fire as these funds are never fairly utilized for educational purpose which further aggravates the condition of education sector which is also depicting the story of bad governance.

Had there been effectively checks on the distribution of national budget over education, the corruption would have never rotten this sector and country would have seen high percentage of literacy rate.

However, the nexus between poverty and illiteracy cannot be neglected. Poverty is one of the factors behind poor enrollment especially in the primary education. Poverty crushed people are being further crushed with inflation. People are unable to make their both hands meet. Majority of the masses cannot afford sending their children to school which deprives them of their right to bright future and this further pushes them especially boys in the labor market in order to contend with disastrous effects of poverty and this also keeps Pakistan at top of the list among countries having huge number of children in the labor market.

Moreover, when they fail to get education this may not only stake their bright future but also go a long way in constricting opportunities on socio- political and economic fronts which indicates the correlation between poverty and unemployment which are pushing our country into swamp of illiteracy.

Needless to say, poverty in one way or other way is overwhelming factor behind low enrolment. However, if once done away with poverty, will give way to many path of enrollment otherwise, children of rich people will have better opportunities with respect to education which would earn them better social positions as compared to the children of the poor people who have also right to hunt better opportunities keeping in view the importance of education but this poverty is sort of deluge which is engulfing them every day.

The government should take right steps to alleviate poverty and promote education particularly in some backward areas of our society which are deprived of this blessing.

However, if education exists in such areas then there is poor supervision on the part of the government in public schools with respect to scarcity of resources. Lack of basic facilities like drinking water, electricity, washrooms, boundary walls etc. also contributes in the crisis of education system particularly in those areas where parents consider such schools social stigma and this results in huge constraint to enrollment, especially in case of girls. This why Pakistan is among the countries where female education is under severe threats.

Moreover, majority of the masses in such areas are reluctant in sending their children to schools which are short of basic facilities which is really concerning and need to look out for possible solutions particularly in rural areas where we see the power of the influential people who perceive these public schools as their guest room and in most cases use them barn for their livestock which ultimately results in ghost schools, that is, schools existing on paper rather than in reality and when official monitoring fail to execute which is already of poor quality then it further aggravates the issue of poor attendance of teachers who accordingly their own wish entertain the class making deprived students of their bright future.

likewise In some areas regressive cultural values are so in grained that female education is considered a taboo by people which is also depicting the story of state’s failure to perform its duties and has failed to gain class consciousness and education awareness among such people who have intentionally put the female education  on the back burner.

Had there been effectively good quality of official monitoring, country would have seen healthy primary ratio and also patriarchal norms and practices would have been avoided to a great extent.


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