The Most Frequent Questions of Biology In Competitive Exams

Frequent Questions on Biology

Here you will find the most frequent questions of Biology which are asked in competitive exams. Moreover, This is smart study series keeping in view the importance of time.

However you don’t have to look for the options. You have to just read the most frequent questions and the answer is provided in it. whereby you know the answer within short span of time.

However, this will save a lot of your time. Moreover, At the end of every question you will see abbreviations like FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, NTS, STS, PTS, and OTS. This means that this question has occured/repeated in these competitive exams.

These MCqs of competitive exam is the result of research, experience and hardwork. Thus we have developed the content for you from being complex to being simple.

Important One Liner Mcqs Of Biology The Most Frequent

  • The conversion of non-diffusible substances into diffusible ones by the action of enzymes is – digestion. ( NTS, OTS)
  • Which one is responsible for chemical digestion of food – Enzymes. (FPSC, SPSC )
  • Biological catalysts are Enzymes .The process of digestion begins from Mouth.
  • In humans, most nutrient molecules are absorbed by the small intestine.(FPSC,STS)
  • Sometimes when white blood corupuscles greatly increase in number, they cause a disease called LeukaemiaLeukaemia is a Blood Cancer. (FPSC, SPSC, PPSC, STS).
  • Cancer can be treated by Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy. (STS, FPSC,NTS)
  • Safety mechanism of blood works under white blood. White blood cells protects the body against disease an injection. (PPSC,SPSC)
  • A branch of medicine studying blood and its disorder – Haematology. The disease, which is caused by the deficiency of Vitamin K – Haemophilia. (FPSC,NTS,STS. PPSC)
  • The most famous genetic disease that is associated with Queen Victoria Haemophilia
  • Haemophilia is a hereditary disese.  An example of a hereditary disease is Haemophilia. (FPSC,NTS,STS. PPSC)
  • pH of blood is 7.3-7.4. The normal Ph of Blood is – “>7”  (STS, FPSC,NTS)
  • In blood, the percentage of water is 90%.The average life of a red blood cell in the body is about 120 days. (PPSC,SPSC, FPSC, NTS, STS, PTS)
  • The approximately of blood in healthy body is 5 Liters. (FPSC, SPSC, PPSC)
  • What combines with oxygen and transport of different cells of the body –Haemoglobin.
  • Blood cells are of types – 3. Which is a part of haemoglobin which transports oxygen – Iron  (NTS,STS, OTS, FPSC, PPSC)
  • In human body, blood clotting factor is produced by the platelets. (PPSC,SPSC)
  • The fluid part of the blood in which the cells are suspended – Plasma (FPSC, SPSC)
  • Persons with AB+ blood group are considered to – universal recipient (FPSC, STS, PTS)
  • “O negative” blood group of human beings is a universal donor. (FPSC, PPSC,SPSC)
  • Which blood corpuscles are formed in Bone Marrow Red blood corpuscles. Blood is formed in human body in bone marrow (FPSC,STS,NTS)
  • Blood cells are manufactured by bone marrow of the body smallest organism which causes disease is virus and even smaller we call it viroids (PPSC,SPSC).
  • The part of the body directly affected by Pneumonia is – Respiratory system.
  • Disease that spread through air we call it Air borne diseases. (FPSC, SPSC, PPSC)
  • One of the injections of disease conveyed from one person to another through air is – tuberculosis. (FPSC,NTS,STS).
  • After drinking contaminated water, you would be most apt to develop symptoms of Typhoid fever  (FPSC, STS, PTS)
  • A disease which is more common in men than in women and is hereditary in character is Colour Blindness (FPSC, SPSC, PPSC)
  • A post mortem study usually involves an analysis of liver. (NTS,STS, OTS)
  • The inflammation of liver is – HepatitisHepatitis C is a leading cause of chronic liver disease (PPSC,SPSC)
  • Dead red blood cells are stored in – liver and Liver secrets bile. (FPSC, SPSC, PPSC)
  • The largest gland in the human body is Liver The smallest gland in the body is pineal body (FPSC, SPSC, PPSC)
  • Recording of brain waves from outer surface of head we call it – E.L.G (Electroencephalograph). Into how many regions the brain is mainly divided –3
  • The inflammation of membrane surrounding the brain is – Meningitis. (PPSC,SPSC)
  • Disease associate with Brain is Parkinson. Alzheimer is a disease of Brain. Graham is a disease of the Brain.(PPSC,SPSC)
  • The strongest muscle of the human body is, in the Jaws. (FPSC, PPSC,SPSC STS,PTS)
  • Muscle stiffness is symptom caused by the disease Tetanus.(FPSC, SPSC, PPSC)
  • What causes AIDS – High immune deficiency Virus (HIV).  (FPSC, SPSC, PPSC)
  • Malaria Germs were discovered by Alphonse carvene. The main cause of Malaria – Plasmodium.  (FPSC, PPSC,SPSC STS,PTS)
  • What does malaria effect – Spleen.  (FPSC, PPSC,SPSC STS,PTS)
  • The cause of dengue fever is Aedes Aegyties (FPSC,NTS,STS)
  • Polio is a viral disease. Polio is a disease of – virus.  Influenza is disease of virus Smallpox is also a – viral disease (FPSC, SPSC, PPSC)
  •  What do we use for the treatment of Diabetes- Insulin (FPSC, SPSC, PPSC)
  • When iron is less in body, the quantity of Haemoglobin in cell decreases (NTS,STS)
  • In a normal resting man, the rate of heart beat is 72 per minute. (FPSC,NTS,STS)
  •  The normal pulse beat in human body per minute 72-80. (STS, PTS, OTS)
  • Heart pumps  in a normal human adult (at resting position) is – 5 litre blood per minute (NTS,STS, OTS)
  • The time interval between two beats of a normal human heart is – 1 second. 
  • ECG is an instrument used for the disorder of Heart. (OTS, FPSC,PTS)
  • Another organ that Filters blood besides the heart, in human body is Liver. (FPSC)
  • Protein & Cellulose is natural polymer (NTS,STS, OTS).
  • What we call a polymer of Glucose – Starch.  (PPSC,SPSC)
  • Which vitamin are not water soluble Vitamin A & D (FPSC, PPSC,SPSC STS,PTS)
  • Fat soluble vitamins are A, D, E, K (PPSC,SPSC, FPSC)
  • the science of Nervous system is –Neurology. What we call the disorder of the Nervous System- Leprosy. (FPSC, SPSC, STS)
  • Drugs that calm nervous system and prevent worry, tension we call it tranquilizers. (FPSC, SPSC, STS).
  • What causes decomposition of ozone –Chloro fluorocarbons (CFCs) (FPSC,NTS,STS)
  • Adrenaline is secreted by the Adrenal Gland. (FPSC, SPSC, PPSC)
  • The gland responsible for the secretion of the hormone estrogen is – Ovary. 
  • The hormone secreted by adrenal cortex is- Corticosteroids (Cortisol & aldosterone) (FPSC, STS, PTS, PPSC, SPSC, NTS)
  • Insulin is secreted by Pancreas, thyroxin by Thyroid gland. Adrenalin by Adrenal gland. Oestrogen by Ovary, Cortisol by Adrenal gland, Testosterone by testes of male and ovaries of female.  (FPSC, SPSC, PPSC, STS, PTS, OTS, NTS)


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