Pakistan Affairs CSS MCQS 2020-2018

Pakistan Affairs
Pakistan Affairs (2020)
Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi(Mujadid Alif Sani) was born on___?
(a) 16 June 1574
(b) 26 June 1565
(c) 26 June 1664
(d) None of these
Answer: b

The withdrawl of Soviet military forces from Afghanistan began on:
(a) February 15, 1989
(b) April 14, 1988
(c) May 15, 1988
(d) None of these
Answer: c

Which Mughal emperor proclaimed Deen-e-Ilahi or Divine Faith?
(a) Humayun
(b) Jahangir
(c) Aurangzeb
(d) Akbar
Answer: d

Causes of Indian revolt written by:
(a) Sir Richard Temple
(b) Syed Ahmed Khan
(c) Eric Stokes
(d) None of these
Answer: b

Darul Uloom Deoband was founded in:
(a) 30 June 1864
(b) 31 May 1866
(c) 27 May 1866
(d) None of these
Answer: b

What is the total length of the Pakistan’s costal area in miles?
(a) 660 km
(b) 970 km
(c) 990 km
(d) 1140 km
Answer: c

Pakistan became a full member of Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO) on:
(a) 26 April 1996
(b) 9 June 2017
(c) 19 July 2018
(d) None of these
Answer: b

Pakistan conducted nuclear tests on:
(a) May 30, 1998
(b) May 31, 1998
(c) May 28, 1998
(d) May 29, 1998
Answer: c

Who is the current ambassador of Pakistan to the United States?
(a) Aizaz Ahmad Chaudry
(b) Ali Jehangir Siddiqui
(c) Jaleel Abbas Jilani
(d) Asad Majeed Khan
Answer: d

Operation Zarb-e-Azb was launched on:
(a) July 14, 2014
(b) 1 March 2014
(c) June 15, 2014
(d) None of these
Answer: c

Pakistan was to host the 19th SAARC summit in:
(a) November 2014
(b) November 2016
(c) November 2018
(d) November 2020
Answer: b

Pakistna and Qatar signed a long term liquefied natural gas(LNG) supply agreement on:
(a) May 20, 2019
(b) February 10, 2016
(c) Jan 15, 2019
(d) May 5, 2017
Answer: b

The term 26/11 is related with which of the following terrorist attack in the history of terrorist attacks?
(a) 2014 Peshawar Army Public School Attack
(b) 2008 Mumbai Attacks
(c) 2007 Karsaz Attacks
(d) None of these
Answer: b

When Indian presidential decree was issued revoked Article 370 of India’s constitution?
(a) 5 August 2018
(b) 5 August 2019
(c) 15 August 2019
(d) 26 January 2019
Answer: b

The GDP growth rate for the financial year 2018-18 was recorded as?
(a) 5.6
(b) 4.8
(c) 2.9
(d) 2.7
Answer: c

18th Amendment became part of Constitution of Pakistan on?
(a) April 8, 2010
(b) April 15, 2010
(c) April 19, 2010
(d) April 21, 2010
Answer: d

In Pakistan what is the percentage of the population lives below the national poverty line?
(a) 13%
(b) 19%
(c) 24%
(d) 27%
Answer: c

Through which constitutional amendment, FATA were merged with Kyber Pakhtunkhwa?
(a) 17th Constitutional Amendment
(b) 25th Constitutional Amendment
(c) 22nd Constitutional Amendment
(d) 27th Constitutional Amendment
Answer: b

Which article according to the 18th constitutional amendment, declares education free compulsory for all children of the age of 5 to 16 year?
(a) Article 140A
(b) Article 91(5)
(c) Article 23
(d) Article 25A
Answer: d

What was Pakistan’s rank in the World Health Organization’s ranking of the world’s health systems out of 190 countries?
(a) 77
(b) 108
(c) 122
(d) 139
Answer: c


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